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Into the woods

定制设计的瓦式住宅的黄昏视图Metrowest, MA


When the homeowners asked Michael Lynch, of Lynch Construction and Remodeling, 他们正在考虑购买很多东西来建造他们的下一个家, he noticed another much larger parcel across the street. “I suggested that they consider the other lot instead, because it had so much more value than the first one,” recalls Lynch.

Shingle style home in rural wooded setting Metrowest, MA - Landscape Design by Mathew Cunningham Landscape Design

没费多少功夫,房主们就看到了第二个地点的潜力. Located in a secluded neighborhood in Needham, 该地块占地近10英亩,毗邻查尔斯河. 大部分的森林环境——感觉更像是在新罕布什尔的乡村森林里找到的情节,而不是在波士顿郊区——都受到保留地受托人的保护.

“业主希望房子能看到森林景观,最重要的是让房子融入场地的环境,” says Richard Curl, principal of Curl Simitis Architecture + Design, who drafted plans for the residence, while collaborating closely with Lynch and Devin Hefferon, a senior associate at Matthew Cunningham Landscape Design.

“那简直就是树林间的森林,”赫弗伦回忆道. “你如何在现有景观中雕刻一个家,同时保留使场地如此特别的东西?“场地的现有地形决定了房子的设置位置, 包括地下室的入口以及住宅的高架露台和带顶棚的门廊的位置. 房主们已经在尼德姆住了很多年,他们想留在那里, close to their friends,” says Hefferon. “然而,他们真的希望这个地方感觉像一个树林里的房子,而不是一个郊区的家.”


While the lot had to be cleared to make space for the house, 我们的目标是尽可能多地保护植被. Additionally, 长期的景观规划包括随着时间的推移重新种植土地, “there’s a sense that it’s disappearing back into the woods,” says Hefferon. “The house has both an old charm and modern feel to it. 我们努力使景观看起来很自然,以容纳房屋.”

与附近大多数其他住宅不同,这座住宅远离公路. 房子后面的坡度急剧下降,并向林地开放. “从那里,房子感觉与自然紧密相连,”柯尔的合伙人考特尼·德赖弗(Courtney Driver)说. On the first floor, 这间家庭娱乐室有一面可以俯瞰风景的玻璃墙,相邻的家庭娱乐室有三面墙的窗户. 二楼的所有卧室都能看到森林环境.

乡村木材环境中的瓦式住宅- Lynch Construction建造了3个车库/篮球场 & Remodeling

房主们设想了一个具有瓦式风格特征的房子. 使建筑结构与森林环境相适应, shingles are slate in color and trim is painted a black tone that matches the windows; stone sheathes the base of the house. The rooflines are steep. Curl说:“我们希望房子的规模能在树木之间存在。. Slight embellishments to the exterior add interest including a projecting triangular-shaped overhang above the front door known as a prow; on the back of the house a gable features a projection that combines a prow shape with the more curved essence of an eyebrow motif.

木瓦风格的家在农村木材设置的房间与内置橱柜设计的Curl Simitis建筑+设计

“我们对建造这座房子如此兴奋的原因之一是因为这些多平面, angled, 而弯曲的山墙——建造起来很复杂,需要一些真正熟练的工匠的合作,” says Lynch.

该项目的主要焦点是将景观融入家庭, the interior was kept very simple, with minimal detailing says Curl. 房主的两个女儿的娱乐活动得到了很大的考虑, 包括放在车库里的整个篮球场. 最初,篮球场计划建在地下室,但事实证明这是个问题.


“我们需要挖掘20英尺,才能在地下室建一个篮球场,” says Lynch. 最终,这座车库的天花板高达32英尺(约合3米),它的设计包括了这个庭院.

在接近家的时候,住宅周围没有传统的绿色草坪. Instead, native plantings take center stage. “我们特意选择了当地的植物材料,它们有着令人难以置信的秋季红色枫叶, sweet spire, sweet ferns,” says Hefferon. “红色、黄色和金色真的让这个地方在10月欢唱.”

Architecture: Curl Simitis Architecture + Interiors
Construction: Lynch Construction & Remodeling
Kitchen Cabinetry: Kenyon Woodworking
Landscape Design: Matthew Cunningham Landscape Design
Landscape Construction: Onyx Corporation
Photography: Warren Patterson

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